August Gatherings
Pre-registration is required for most of the events offered by The Center, Life in Balance.
To register simply email us at [email protected]
or call 609.975.8379 with your name and phone number.
Some offerings require registration by contacting the practitioner directly.
Cash, Check and Credit Cards are accepted.
Midweek Midday Meditation
Join us each Wednesday at noon for a free 10-minute meditation on love.
The focus of this meditation is love. Each week we will raise the love vibration for 2019.
Cost: Free
Peace Meditation
Join us each Friday at noon as we sit in a 10 minute free meditation for Peace. If you cannot come to The Center, take a few moments wherever you are to invoke peace for yourself and peoples everywhere.
Cost: Free
Easy Stretch with Ferida Wolff
Every Tuesday; 1-2 pm.
The secret to keeping mobile is to keep moving. Stretching helps muscles and joints stay flexible and improves range of motion. Easy Stretches are gentle but engage the whole body. The hour class includes a focus on meditative breathing as well. Please call ahead if you will be attending.
Cost: $10 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Exploring Your Intuition presented by Beth O'Brien, Spiritual Healing Through Guidance
Thursday, August 1, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Exploring your Intuition is about helping you determine what gifts you have if you feel like you may be an Empath. This class will help give you guidance on which direction to take on your spiritual journey. There will be different spiritual topics and exercises to help you decide.
Cost: $25 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Monthly Meditation/Mini-Workshop with Susan Drummond
First Monday of the Month, August 5, 6:30-8:30
This session is an open invitation to those who are interested in exploring meditation, energy education/topics and Reiki. No experience is necessary. Please be respectful and arrive on time so the meditation is not disturbed. Please refrain from alcohol the day of the workshop.
Cost: $15
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Medford ArtWalk
Second Friday of the Month, August 9, 6-9 pm
Join us, mark your calendars for the Medford ArtWalk on the 2nd Friday of each month on Main Street. Each month there are new exhibits, food and refreshments. Make it a night! Stop by the Heart Space Metaphysical Shop to see our artists' work. We will be featuring Christine Juckett. She will have her artwork as well as her jewelry creations on display.
God ~ An Open Forum hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Second Monday of the month, August 12, 6:30-8:00
Join in on this safe open discussion, sharing our thoughts and feelings about what could be the most impactful awareness to consider as we navigate our journey home. Are you aware of God? Do you think about God? What do you think? How would you define your relationship? What role, if any, does He/She play in your life? Have your thoughts and feelings shifted during the years? What impact has your childhood had in how you look at God? We are here to love, so we will talk about love as well…Love = God.
Cost: $15
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Monthly Reiki Share and Reiki Send with Susan Drummond, Third Degree Reiki Master
Second Tuesday of the Month, Tuesday, August 13, 6:30
We will be sharing with anyone who is a certified Reiki and would like to join our gathering of Reiki Practitioners who come together for a healing session. The primary purpose of having a "share" is for new and experienced practitioners to participate in giving and receiving Reiki within an atmosphere of friendship and love. Participating in a share is also a beneficial way of honoring one another as healers. After we treat each other with Reiki, all Reiki II and Masters will then send Reiki to our Military. All Reiki I practitioners will hold the energy. Together we an do our part to help. No walk-ins.
Free Event
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Deep Listening and Decision Making with Annie Fisher
Wednesday, August 14, 6:30 - 8 pm
Do you have difficulty making decisions? Do you often regret your decisions? Let’s move out of the thinking mind and into listening to the body to gain clarity around the sometimes complex process of decision making. Participants will experience a brief exercise of deep listening and have opportunities to look at the process for making decisions using an example from their own life.
Cost: $10
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Food Trucks on Main Street
Third Thursday - Food Trucks & Fun! August 15, rain date, fourth ThursdayWe are partnering with the local businesses for this event. There will be up to nine food trucks parked along Main Street, stores will be opened later, special events and activities will be offered, and sidewalk sales and special in-store promotions will be featured. We are offering 15 minute readings for $25 and 10% off in Heart Space Metaphysical Gift Shop.
Grief Support Group Hosted by Peggy Garron, Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Medium
Third Tuesday of Every Month 6:30 PM – 7:30 pm, August 20
Peggy will be hosting a monthly grief support group for anyone needing assistance dealing with grief from loss of any kind, be it a spouse, parent, child, animal or even from a divorce or family situation. Come meet others in similar situations and share your thoughts and feelings in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. There is no need to feel alone and isolated with your emotions. Together we will take steps towards emotional balance and harmony. "Donation Appreciated but not Required".
Free Event
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Psychic Development Workshop/Share with Susan Drummond, Intuitive Medium/Reiki Master
Third Wednesday of each month, August 21, 7:00-8:30. Topic of the month is Heart Chakra
This circle is a safe place to nurture your soul and expand your awareness with like minded people. Each month will be a different topic to learn and practice. Every month will be an opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions for a better understanding of your intuition. It is a fun place to share your psychic experiences and ask questions. The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and heart, is the core of our personality, our identity of our ego. The 4th or Heart Chakra, the Anahata is our energy center from which love, joy, happiness, and compassion emanate from. It also allows us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger, and lust,all of which are feelings of the lower heart chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may overcome them and move to the Higher Heart, where Pure, Unconditional Love exists.
Cost: $25
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Reiki I with Susan Drummond, Reiki Master
Thursday, August 22, 6-9
This certification class introduces the basic energy connection that enables the Reiki channel to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Techniques are taught for healing one's self, other people, plants, animals, etc. No prior experience necessary. Susan is an Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Licensed Massage Therapist. She specializes in intuitively enhancing the mind, soul and physical body with healing energy for your highest well being.
Cost: $150
Pre-registration is required: Call 609-923-3154 or email [email protected].
Psychic Happy Hour with Psychic Mediums; Carole Tollen and Antonia Anastasia
Friday, August 23, 6 pm
This fun-filled evening includes: Small group gallery reading, non-alcoholic beverages and light fare to munch on. Everyone in attendance to will receive personal messages from loved ones who’ve crossed over, spirit guides and guardian angels. What a great way to end a hectic work week and kick-off the weekend! Reserve your spot today.
Cost: $75
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required by contacting The Center.
Psychic & Healing Fair
Third Saturday of each month, postponed until September 21, 10-2.
The fair offers different avenues to healing. Those new to alternative healing will have an opportunity to try one or more healing modalities. Guests will be able to have an intuitive/psychic reading, a Reiki Session on the Biomat, an energetic healing session, and/or lie on the BioMat. All private sessions are 20 minutes / $30. A variety of twenty minute free talks will be offered. The full BioMat is available for 20 minutes/$10. The BioMat incorporates amethyst crystals, far infrared heat and negative ions to help the body heal and relax. All appointments are booked on the hour and half hour. Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged.
Wild Soul Movement Series for Women presented by Lady of Sanctuary - Christine Juckett, Certified Wild Soul Movement Teacher
Every 4th Monday, 7-8:30, August 26
Wild Soul Movement (WSM) is a women’s movement and a feminine movement practice designed to melt away everything that’s ever made you feel wrong, ashamed, less than, or unsafe in your sacred body. WSM is a self-love movement class that incorporates yoga poses, meditation, mantras, discussion, oracle cards, crystals and kinship designed to allow release of negative or low vibrating energy while imprinting positive or high vibrating energy. The Movement lets the body feel and experience love in a new way, in its own language. You will learn how to quiet the inner critic by embracing your inner power. This is a grounded and loving practice designed to get you out of your head and into your body.Class is a sacred space where any woman can find and be herself along with a strong community of women who are brave enough to stand up and say yes to a new way. This is a program designed for anyone identifying as a woman ready for real transformation. Come in yoga clothes with a journal and a pen.
Cost: $20 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
A Call to Love - Topic: Negative Messages presented by Maryann Pino Miller
Wednesday, August 28, 6:30-8:30
As you become aware of the negative messages you have been receiving all of your life, you will see why you are who you are and why you do as you do. You'll see how these negative messages that are now beliefs have defined and limited you. Once aware, you can begin changing what no longer serves you.
We will:
~ use the wisdom and materials from Louise L. Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life, and the transformational workshop she created.
~ give you permission to love yourself.
~ discuss tools such as affirmations, inner child work, journaling, meditation
~ delve into the spiritual truths behind loving yourself.
Bring your notebook and an open heart.
Cost: $25
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Tai Chi / Qigong presented by Sifu Louis DiLoreto
Every Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:30 am, (Limited space available)
Every Wednesday, 12:30-1:30
Tired of being sick & tired? Feeling stressed out? Can't get your focus? Life feels out of control? Suitable for any age group, Tai-Chi/Qigong is said to slow the ageing process, improve balance and spatial perception. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and there is no need for either equipment or a partner to practice with. Tai Chi and Quigong programs help people develop emotionally & physically to: release stress & let go, gain greater emotional control & peace of mind, increase focus & productivity, low impact exercises put minimal pressure on joints, Improves range of motion, lowers blood pressure, facilitate recovery of muscle control and improves balance.
Cost: $9
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Spirit Portals - A Vibrational Attunement to Your Light by Shiya Stone
Every Monday & Wednesday of the Month by appointment, pre-pay $55/50 minutes
A Spirit Portal serves many purposes. It is:
Prepayment is required. Cost: $55
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Discover the Power of You through your Natal Chart with Terence Wade, RMAFA
Every Tuesday - call for appointment
Find the Key to Your Energy Force and Your Future --- through your unique Astrological Mandala. Your Natal Chart (Mandala) is created the moment you were born. It shows your natural talents and inclinations and also how to align yourself with the current and future planetary energies (transits).The Natal Birth Chart, the basic blueprint of your life, will reveal to you your basic wants and needs, and where your natural energies should be focused. Each planet expresses a special type of energy and each house shows where that energy will be expressed. Find out what houses your natal planets occupy and how these planets can define your character and natural abilities. Knowing your natal chart energies helps you plan for and exploit the coming short-term and long-term, planetary trends.You will need to have the date, time and place of your birth. (The time of birth exact as possible is very important). If the exact time is not known a brief summary can be done but will not be as specific.
Prepayment is required. Cost: $90 for an hour reading, Introductory offer $60. If you have had a reading before --- readings will be half the original price: $40. $60 Includes Birth Chart and Year-Ahead Astrological Report. Reading includes a written report (15 to 20 pages) that explains your natal chart energy; the report also includes a personalized, long-term Planetary Trend Report and current Transit information.
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
~~ Looking Ahead ~~
Mid-week Love Meditation
Every Wednesday at noon
Peace Meditation
Every Friday at noon
Monthly Meditation/Mini-Workshop with Susan Drummond
Postponed until: Monday, October 7, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, $15
Exploring Your Intuition presented by Beth O'Brien, Spiritual Healing Through Guidance
Thursday, September 5, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
God ~ An Open Forum hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Second Monday of the month, September 9, 6:30-8:00, $15
Reiki Share/Send with Susan Drummond
Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 Free
How to Read Angel Cards with Susan Drummond
Wednesday, September 11, 7 pm
Dinner with Angels with Antonia Anastasia or Susan Drummond
Thursday, September 12, 6 pm
Medford ArtWalk
Friday, September 13, 6-9 pm
Reiki II with Susan Drummond
Saturday, September 14, 9-12
Grief Group with Peggy Garron
Third Tuesday of the month, September 17, 6:30
Psychic Development, topic: Throat Chakra,with Susan Drummond, Reiki Master & Intuitive
Third Wednesday, postponed until October 16, 7-8:30 pm, $25
Food Truck Fun Third Thursday
Thursday, September 19
Deep Listening with Annie Fisher
Friday, September 20, 6:30, $10
Psychic & Healing Fair
Saturday, September 21, 10-2
Taste of Medford/Octoberfest
Saturday, September 21
Wild Soul Movement Series for Women presented by Lady of Sanctuary - Christine Juckett
Certified Wild Soul Movement Teacher
every 4th Monday, September 23, 7-8:30, $20 per class
An Evening of Healing with Crystal Bowls and Reiki presented by Pam Kofsky & Peggy Garron
Tuesday, September 24, 7-8 pm, $30
A Call to Love - A Heal Your Life Workshop hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Wednesday, September 25, 6:30-8:30, $25
Reading Tea Leaves with Beth O'Brien
Thursday, September 26, 7pm
Seance with Susan Drummond & Betth O'Brien
Friday, September 27
Easy Stretch with Ferida
Every Tuesday 1-2 pm
Tai Chi & Qigong with Sifu Lou
Every Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am
Every Wednesday, 12:30
Spirit Portals with Shiya Stone (50-min privates)
Call for appointment
Discover the Power of You through your Natal Chart with Terence Wade, RMAFA
Call for appointment. Terry is off for the summer. He will resume charts in September
Join us each Wednesday at noon for a free 10-minute meditation on love.
The focus of this meditation is love. Each week we will raise the love vibration for 2019.
Cost: Free
Peace Meditation
Join us each Friday at noon as we sit in a 10 minute free meditation for Peace. If you cannot come to The Center, take a few moments wherever you are to invoke peace for yourself and peoples everywhere.
Cost: Free
Easy Stretch with Ferida Wolff
Every Tuesday; 1-2 pm.
The secret to keeping mobile is to keep moving. Stretching helps muscles and joints stay flexible and improves range of motion. Easy Stretches are gentle but engage the whole body. The hour class includes a focus on meditative breathing as well. Please call ahead if you will be attending.
Cost: $10 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Exploring Your Intuition presented by Beth O'Brien, Spiritual Healing Through Guidance
Thursday, August 1, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Exploring your Intuition is about helping you determine what gifts you have if you feel like you may be an Empath. This class will help give you guidance on which direction to take on your spiritual journey. There will be different spiritual topics and exercises to help you decide.
Cost: $25 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Monthly Meditation/Mini-Workshop with Susan Drummond
First Monday of the Month, August 5, 6:30-8:30
This session is an open invitation to those who are interested in exploring meditation, energy education/topics and Reiki. No experience is necessary. Please be respectful and arrive on time so the meditation is not disturbed. Please refrain from alcohol the day of the workshop.
Cost: $15
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Medford ArtWalk
Second Friday of the Month, August 9, 6-9 pm
Join us, mark your calendars for the Medford ArtWalk on the 2nd Friday of each month on Main Street. Each month there are new exhibits, food and refreshments. Make it a night! Stop by the Heart Space Metaphysical Shop to see our artists' work. We will be featuring Christine Juckett. She will have her artwork as well as her jewelry creations on display.
God ~ An Open Forum hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Second Monday of the month, August 12, 6:30-8:00
Join in on this safe open discussion, sharing our thoughts and feelings about what could be the most impactful awareness to consider as we navigate our journey home. Are you aware of God? Do you think about God? What do you think? How would you define your relationship? What role, if any, does He/She play in your life? Have your thoughts and feelings shifted during the years? What impact has your childhood had in how you look at God? We are here to love, so we will talk about love as well…Love = God.
Cost: $15
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Monthly Reiki Share and Reiki Send with Susan Drummond, Third Degree Reiki Master
Second Tuesday of the Month, Tuesday, August 13, 6:30
We will be sharing with anyone who is a certified Reiki and would like to join our gathering of Reiki Practitioners who come together for a healing session. The primary purpose of having a "share" is for new and experienced practitioners to participate in giving and receiving Reiki within an atmosphere of friendship and love. Participating in a share is also a beneficial way of honoring one another as healers. After we treat each other with Reiki, all Reiki II and Masters will then send Reiki to our Military. All Reiki I practitioners will hold the energy. Together we an do our part to help. No walk-ins.
Free Event
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Deep Listening and Decision Making with Annie Fisher
Wednesday, August 14, 6:30 - 8 pm
Do you have difficulty making decisions? Do you often regret your decisions? Let’s move out of the thinking mind and into listening to the body to gain clarity around the sometimes complex process of decision making. Participants will experience a brief exercise of deep listening and have opportunities to look at the process for making decisions using an example from their own life.
Cost: $10
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Food Trucks on Main Street
Third Thursday - Food Trucks & Fun! August 15, rain date, fourth ThursdayWe are partnering with the local businesses for this event. There will be up to nine food trucks parked along Main Street, stores will be opened later, special events and activities will be offered, and sidewalk sales and special in-store promotions will be featured. We are offering 15 minute readings for $25 and 10% off in Heart Space Metaphysical Gift Shop.
Grief Support Group Hosted by Peggy Garron, Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Medium
Third Tuesday of Every Month 6:30 PM – 7:30 pm, August 20
Peggy will be hosting a monthly grief support group for anyone needing assistance dealing with grief from loss of any kind, be it a spouse, parent, child, animal or even from a divorce or family situation. Come meet others in similar situations and share your thoughts and feelings in a supportive, non-judgmental environment. There is no need to feel alone and isolated with your emotions. Together we will take steps towards emotional balance and harmony. "Donation Appreciated but not Required".
Free Event
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Psychic Development Workshop/Share with Susan Drummond, Intuitive Medium/Reiki Master
Third Wednesday of each month, August 21, 7:00-8:30. Topic of the month is Heart Chakra
This circle is a safe place to nurture your soul and expand your awareness with like minded people. Each month will be a different topic to learn and practice. Every month will be an opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions for a better understanding of your intuition. It is a fun place to share your psychic experiences and ask questions. The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and heart, is the core of our personality, our identity of our ego. The 4th or Heart Chakra, the Anahata is our energy center from which love, joy, happiness, and compassion emanate from. It also allows us to feel sorrow, sadness, anger, and lust,all of which are feelings of the lower heart chakra – but essential in understanding ourselves in this World, so that we may overcome them and move to the Higher Heart, where Pure, Unconditional Love exists.
Cost: $25
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center
Reiki I with Susan Drummond, Reiki Master
Thursday, August 22, 6-9
This certification class introduces the basic energy connection that enables the Reiki channel to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Techniques are taught for healing one's self, other people, plants, animals, etc. No prior experience necessary. Susan is an Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Licensed Massage Therapist. She specializes in intuitively enhancing the mind, soul and physical body with healing energy for your highest well being.
Cost: $150
Pre-registration is required: Call 609-923-3154 or email [email protected].
Psychic Happy Hour with Psychic Mediums; Carole Tollen and Antonia Anastasia
Friday, August 23, 6 pm
This fun-filled evening includes: Small group gallery reading, non-alcoholic beverages and light fare to munch on. Everyone in attendance to will receive personal messages from loved ones who’ve crossed over, spirit guides and guardian angels. What a great way to end a hectic work week and kick-off the weekend! Reserve your spot today.
Cost: $75
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required by contacting The Center.
Psychic & Healing Fair
Third Saturday of each month, postponed until September 21, 10-2.
The fair offers different avenues to healing. Those new to alternative healing will have an opportunity to try one or more healing modalities. Guests will be able to have an intuitive/psychic reading, a Reiki Session on the Biomat, an energetic healing session, and/or lie on the BioMat. All private sessions are 20 minutes / $30. A variety of twenty minute free talks will be offered. The full BioMat is available for 20 minutes/$10. The BioMat incorporates amethyst crystals, far infrared heat and negative ions to help the body heal and relax. All appointments are booked on the hour and half hour. Walk-ins are welcome and encouraged.
Wild Soul Movement Series for Women presented by Lady of Sanctuary - Christine Juckett, Certified Wild Soul Movement Teacher
Every 4th Monday, 7-8:30, August 26
Wild Soul Movement (WSM) is a women’s movement and a feminine movement practice designed to melt away everything that’s ever made you feel wrong, ashamed, less than, or unsafe in your sacred body. WSM is a self-love movement class that incorporates yoga poses, meditation, mantras, discussion, oracle cards, crystals and kinship designed to allow release of negative or low vibrating energy while imprinting positive or high vibrating energy. The Movement lets the body feel and experience love in a new way, in its own language. You will learn how to quiet the inner critic by embracing your inner power. This is a grounded and loving practice designed to get you out of your head and into your body.Class is a sacred space where any woman can find and be herself along with a strong community of women who are brave enough to stand up and say yes to a new way. This is a program designed for anyone identifying as a woman ready for real transformation. Come in yoga clothes with a journal and a pen.
Cost: $20 per class
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
A Call to Love - Topic: Negative Messages presented by Maryann Pino Miller
Wednesday, August 28, 6:30-8:30
As you become aware of the negative messages you have been receiving all of your life, you will see why you are who you are and why you do as you do. You'll see how these negative messages that are now beliefs have defined and limited you. Once aware, you can begin changing what no longer serves you.
We will:
~ use the wisdom and materials from Louise L. Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life, and the transformational workshop she created.
~ give you permission to love yourself.
~ discuss tools such as affirmations, inner child work, journaling, meditation
~ delve into the spiritual truths behind loving yourself.
Bring your notebook and an open heart.
Cost: $25
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Tai Chi / Qigong presented by Sifu Louis DiLoreto
Every Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-9:30 am, (Limited space available)
Every Wednesday, 12:30-1:30
Tired of being sick & tired? Feeling stressed out? Can't get your focus? Life feels out of control? Suitable for any age group, Tai-Chi/Qigong is said to slow the ageing process, improve balance and spatial perception. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime and there is no need for either equipment or a partner to practice with. Tai Chi and Quigong programs help people develop emotionally & physically to: release stress & let go, gain greater emotional control & peace of mind, increase focus & productivity, low impact exercises put minimal pressure on joints, Improves range of motion, lowers blood pressure, facilitate recovery of muscle control and improves balance.
Cost: $9
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Spirit Portals - A Vibrational Attunement to Your Light by Shiya Stone
Every Monday & Wednesday of the Month by appointment, pre-pay $55/50 minutes
A Spirit Portal serves many purposes. It is:
- A tool for meditation, enlightenment and connecting to your Light
- An attunement to the vibrational symbolic language of your Spirit
- A form of Sacred Geometry that conveys wisdom and knowledge non-verbally
- A channel through which you communicate with your Inner Being for guidance· A doorway to the mysteries and potential of your Being
Prepayment is required. Cost: $55
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
Discover the Power of You through your Natal Chart with Terence Wade, RMAFA
Every Tuesday - call for appointment
Find the Key to Your Energy Force and Your Future --- through your unique Astrological Mandala. Your Natal Chart (Mandala) is created the moment you were born. It shows your natural talents and inclinations and also how to align yourself with the current and future planetary energies (transits).The Natal Birth Chart, the basic blueprint of your life, will reveal to you your basic wants and needs, and where your natural energies should be focused. Each planet expresses a special type of energy and each house shows where that energy will be expressed. Find out what houses your natal planets occupy and how these planets can define your character and natural abilities. Knowing your natal chart energies helps you plan for and exploit the coming short-term and long-term, planetary trends.You will need to have the date, time and place of your birth. (The time of birth exact as possible is very important). If the exact time is not known a brief summary can be done but will not be as specific.
Prepayment is required. Cost: $90 for an hour reading, Introductory offer $60. If you have had a reading before --- readings will be half the original price: $40. $60 Includes Birth Chart and Year-Ahead Astrological Report. Reading includes a written report (15 to 20 pages) that explains your natal chart energy; the report also includes a personalized, long-term Planetary Trend Report and current Transit information.
Pre-registration is required by contacting The Center.
~~ Looking Ahead ~~
Mid-week Love Meditation
Every Wednesday at noon
Peace Meditation
Every Friday at noon
Monthly Meditation/Mini-Workshop with Susan Drummond
Postponed until: Monday, October 7, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, $15
Exploring Your Intuition presented by Beth O'Brien, Spiritual Healing Through Guidance
Thursday, September 5, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
God ~ An Open Forum hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Second Monday of the month, September 9, 6:30-8:00, $15
Reiki Share/Send with Susan Drummond
Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 Free
How to Read Angel Cards with Susan Drummond
Wednesday, September 11, 7 pm
Dinner with Angels with Antonia Anastasia or Susan Drummond
Thursday, September 12, 6 pm
Medford ArtWalk
Friday, September 13, 6-9 pm
Reiki II with Susan Drummond
Saturday, September 14, 9-12
Grief Group with Peggy Garron
Third Tuesday of the month, September 17, 6:30
Psychic Development, topic: Throat Chakra,with Susan Drummond, Reiki Master & Intuitive
Third Wednesday, postponed until October 16, 7-8:30 pm, $25
Food Truck Fun Third Thursday
Thursday, September 19
Deep Listening with Annie Fisher
Friday, September 20, 6:30, $10
Psychic & Healing Fair
Saturday, September 21, 10-2
Taste of Medford/Octoberfest
Saturday, September 21
Wild Soul Movement Series for Women presented by Lady of Sanctuary - Christine Juckett
Certified Wild Soul Movement Teacher
every 4th Monday, September 23, 7-8:30, $20 per class
An Evening of Healing with Crystal Bowls and Reiki presented by Pam Kofsky & Peggy Garron
Tuesday, September 24, 7-8 pm, $30
A Call to Love - A Heal Your Life Workshop hosted by Maryann Pino Miller
Wednesday, September 25, 6:30-8:30, $25
Reading Tea Leaves with Beth O'Brien
Thursday, September 26, 7pm
Seance with Susan Drummond & Betth O'Brien
Friday, September 27
Easy Stretch with Ferida
Every Tuesday 1-2 pm
Tai Chi & Qigong with Sifu Lou
Every Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am
Every Wednesday, 12:30
Spirit Portals with Shiya Stone (50-min privates)
Call for appointment
Discover the Power of You through your Natal Chart with Terence Wade, RMAFA
Call for appointment. Terry is off for the summer. He will resume charts in September